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≡ Descargar Good Intentions The Road to Hell Series Book 1 edition by Brenda K Davies Leslie Mitchell Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks

Good Intentions The Road to Hell Series Book 1 edition by Brenda K Davies Leslie Mitchell Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks

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Download PDF Good Intentions The Road to Hell Series Book 1  edition by Brenda K Davies Leslie Mitchell Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks


It has been thirteen years since the war started, the bombs were dropped, and the central states became a thing of the past. When the war ended, a wall was erected to divide the surviving states from those destroyed. I never expected to go beyond the wall, but unlike all the others who volunteered to go, I wasn’t given a choice.

With a dim knowledge of what I could do, the soldiers came for me. They took me beyond the wall where I learned that the truth is far more terrifying than I’d ever dreamed. Alone, with humans and demons seeking to learn what it is I can do, I find myself irresistibly drawn to the one man I should be avoiding most. One who intrigues and infuriates me. One who is not even a man, not really.


My entire life, I’ve had only one mission, reclaim my throne from Lucifer and put right everything that was torn apart when he was cast from Heaven. It’s a mission I haven’t wavered from, not even when the humans tore open the gates and unleashed Hell on Earth.

Now, I’ve never been closer to obtaining my goal, yet I find myself risking it all because I cannot stay away from her, a human who may be the key to it all.

***There are four books in this paranormal romance series and an overall series arc. This series is now complete. Due to sexual content, violence, and language, this book is recommended for readers 18+ years of age.***

The Road to Hell Series Complete Reading Order
Good Intentions (Book 1)
Carved (Book 2)
The Road (Book 3)
Into Hell (Book 4)

Good Intentions The Road to Hell Series Book 1 edition by Brenda K Davies Leslie Mitchell Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks

Once again, this author has gone and created a world that I particularly cannot get enough of! While demons are something new for her to write about, I feel like she did one heck of a job. In a story that begins with the earth going into something of a man-made apocalypse, River's life forever changes as things become even harder for her while she tries to care for and provide food for her younger brother, and years later it's for her two little brothers along with her dead beat, useless mother. River's mother dislikes her to an amount that makes me want to cringe inside. Really. None of the fathers of the three children ever stuck around long and it seems that River's father might have just been a drifter. That is until she is forcibly taken away on volunteer day to work at the wall, where people go to train and fight what they think are other humans. Boy are they dead wrong on that one. When they get there, they get a rude awakening that what they are actually fighting are demons coming straight from Hell itself. Man tore open a hole and now they are wreaking havoc. Some of the demons want to restore order and get rid of Lucifer, so they are helping the humans. The main one is Kobal. He is in charge and looking for a specific person among the humans. One who has special abilities like River. While River was taken away forcibly from her family, she finds an ever-growing attraction between her and Kobal. Things get a little steamy between the two of them when they aren't fighting each other, literally and figuratively. Loved this read and definitely recommend it! Can't wait to see more of this series!

Product details

  • File Size 1669 KB
  • Print Length 374 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date July 17, 2016
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Good Intentions The Road to Hell Series Book 1  edition by Brenda K Davies Leslie Mitchell Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks

Tags : Good Intentions (The Road to Hell Series, Book 1) - Kindle edition by Brenda K. Davies, Leslie Mitchell, Hot Tree Editing. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Brenda K. Davies, Leslie Mitchell, Hot Tree Editing,Good Intentions (The Road to Hell Series, Book 1),Fiction Romance Paranormal,Fiction Romance Suspense
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Good Intentions The Road to Hell Series Book 1 edition by Brenda K Davies Leslie Mitchell Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks Reviews

Wow this book was so unexpected. It took FOREVER to lay the foundation. 4 whole chapters were dedicated to describing the heroine's life BEFORE the book even started. I had to keep checking the book's description to make sure I was reading the right book. I honestly thought the book was switched with another by mistake.

I read for the smutt... And the romance. So given the fact that I even enjoyed reading and continued to read for multiple chapters, about her mundane family life, speaks volumes of how well this book was written and how captivating this author is.

And boy was the plot different from any other book I've ever read! All I read is paranormal romance (with a few romance books here and there)... About a new book every 2 days... So believe me when I say, I've heard it all.

Spoiler alert***
To create an alternate reality where Satan actually stole hell from its rightful owner and the true leader of hell worked alongside humans to get it back?? Wow! That's some creative $***.

End of Spoiler***

I loved all the characters this author had created and it all seemed so believable... As if it could really happen... If fantasy and monsters, demons, Angels, heaven & hell were really real that is ;) I could not put this book down and will DEFINITELY finish this season (I haven't checked yet as I got this book for free and was just giving it a try so I hope beyond hope it's complete by now). I think I found a new favorite author. Will provide more updates as I finish the series )
I had no doubts a Brenda K. Davies book would draw me in, but I had no idea what to expect until I started reading and found myself thoroughly invested in River and Kobal’s story.

The first 22 years of River’s life are divided from before the first fighter planes flew over when she was nine and the last 13 years after life as everyone knew it ended. Her life consists of caring for her little brothers, providing for them, and attempting to hide the fact that she’s different. What she doesn’t realize is that those differences are going to divide her life once again -- only this time she will be irrevocably changed as well.

Kobal’s sole mission in his long life has been to reclaim his rightful place as King of Hell and take back the throne from the interloper, Lucifer. With the weight of the lives of his followers, as well as the entire human race, resting on his shoulders, he’s focused on finding the one person capable of aiding him in his ultimate goal.

Brenda knows how to write characters we can connect with, and the resulting chemistry when she brings two together is palpable *whew* *fans self*, The information about the history of what happened 13 years ago is well-explained in the right places, and the backstory of the demons is clearly understood. Understanding River’s life prior to being taken to the wall truly makes you feel invested in the motivation behind her choices. She’s fiercely loyal and determined to protect those she loves.

Her visual descriptions of the various demons is absolutely intriguing, and I feel as though they are well-formed mental images with personalities and individually unique traits that make them jump off the page isn't my imagination.

Despite having read stories in the past involving demons and angels, I can honestly say this book was uniquely written and truly enjoyable. The mix of the relationships between the characters as well as watching as River evolves from the young woman who just tries to blend in, to learning to embrace who and what she is, makes for a hard to put down story!

I’m very much looking forward to seeing where the series goes because, knowing Brenda, the journey is going to be an exciting ride!
Brenda Davies has created a world in which most humans believe has been destroyed by nuclear war. Instead we learn of a new truth, through the life of River, the heroine of our story, as she discovers a world that is literally being taken over by creatures surfacing from the bowels of hell. When she is drawn to one of the creatures, a demon named Kobal, she learns more about herself and the future of their world than she could have ever imagined.
The ease in which this new world, creatures, language and story are brought to life by this author, not only showcase what an amazing story teller she is, but also her gift as a writer. I'm already counting the days until book 2 is released.
Once again, this author has gone and created a world that I particularly cannot get enough of! While demons are something new for her to write about, I feel like she did one heck of a job. In a story that begins with the earth going into something of a man-made apocalypse, River's life forever changes as things become even harder for her while she tries to care for and provide food for her younger brother, and years later it's for her two little brothers along with her dead beat, useless mother. River's mother dislikes her to an amount that makes me want to cringe inside. Really. None of the fathers of the three children ever stuck around long and it seems that River's father might have just been a drifter. That is until she is forcibly taken away on volunteer day to work at the wall, where people go to train and fight what they think are other humans. Boy are they dead wrong on that one. When they get there, they get a rude awakening that what they are actually fighting are demons coming straight from Hell itself. Man tore open a hole and now they are wreaking havoc. Some of the demons want to restore order and get rid of Lucifer, so they are helping the humans. The main one is Kobal. He is in charge and looking for a specific person among the humans. One who has special abilities like River. While River was taken away forcibly from her family, she finds an ever-growing attraction between her and Kobal. Things get a little steamy between the two of them when they aren't fighting each other, literally and figuratively. Loved this read and definitely recommend it! Can't wait to see more of this series!
Ebook PDF Good Intentions The Road to Hell Series Book 1  edition by Brenda K Davies Leslie Mitchell Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks

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